You can check the results of the search in selected search system by a set of search phrases (up to 100pcs) according to the schedule of inspections. That is, you can choose how often and by what parameters of the search system to check your search phrases and hope that the match will be found on the host of your site or the specified target page. In the results of this check, in addition to the position of your site, the color of the achievement of the set top-end, the matching with the desired target page, and the position change compared to the previous result is indicated.
The separate advantage of is that in the results of checking the position of the search phrase you can view a saved copy of the issuance of the search system and clearly demonstrate both in its own dynamics of changes and in the dynamics of changes in the positions of competitors. Also, the overall position of competitors in all search results can be monitored in a separate section and see the same average position of its project among competitors.
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